Part of the Exam Candidates of January-June 2023 session Class Room Preparation before practical exam or test exam is going on.

President’s speech

Many people want to do something good with computers, many take courses but can’t learn or do anything good. Those who are going to take the course or who are starting it should know a few things about the computer training course otherwise they may not do well later. Because you don’t just have to rely on the trainer, you also have to prepare yourself that way.


Importance of computer education

English language is one of the medium of conversation in foreign travel nowadays. It is the international language. And the computer is said to be the key to modern civilization. Its language is also English. For this there is a close relationship between English and computer. There is a wide choice of both in the job market. So English and computer education has a bright chance of success in your career. And the biggest thing is that computer is a platform where people of all professions of the world must come.


Why do computer training courses?

Computer skills are considered an additional qualification even where computers are not required. So if you are not an expert in computer then it is important to take a course in the beginning because nothing can be done with basic concepts nowadays. And learning by yourself will take a lot of time and you may not know many things. And if you take the course, you can learn many things from the trainer. You can ask him any question and get an answer immediately. So I say without neglecting to take computer training course from a good training center.

Abdul Wahab

Hybrid Computer TRaining Center, Chatmohar, Pabna

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Abdul Wahab


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Abdul Hai


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Abdul Hai


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Md. Shakil Khan


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Anowara Khatun
